Prostatitis in men is the most common urological disease among men. According to statistics, the number of men with this diagnosis reaches 8% of the male population worldwide, of which 1/3 own the chronic form of the disease. In 40% of cases, chronic prostatitis in men is detected before the age of 40.
A distinguishing feature of prostatitis is that its acute form is almost completely absent. As soon as it appears, it immediately takes on a chronic form.
The cases of complete recovery (spontaneous or as a result of treatment) after the initial acute stage are minor. The course of the disease is very slow and the symptoms of prostatitis are usually attenuated. Prostatitis manifests itself in three main syndromes: painful, sexual and dysuric.
Causes of prostatitis in men
The causes of prostatitis are infections, prostate stagnation and a combination of these two factors. One of the predisposing factors for the development of chronic prostatitis is also the presence of benign hyperplasia in the patient.
The infection can enter the prostate as follows:

- through the urethra, through sexual contact, as a complication after infectious urethritis;
- through the blood of infections in the body (decayed teeth, sinusitis, pneumonia and others);
- through the lymph of the inflamed internal organs (intestinal dysbiosis, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the rectum).
Most of the time, prostatitis in men is non-infectious in nature (abacterial prostatitis). Its main reason is the violation of blood circulation in the prostate and in Organs surrounding organs, as a result of the stagnation of secretions in the prostate.
In the prostate, secretion stagnation can occur due to the following factors:
- prolonged sexual abstinence;
- sexual contact not made after sexual arousal;
- interrupted sexual intercourse;
- defective ejaculation.
Factors that predispose to the development of prostatitis:
- irregular sexual life;
- hypothermia;
- hypodynamics;
- chronic stress;
- chronic alcoholism and others.
Symptoms of prostatitis in men
- pain in the genital area;
- groin pain, perineum, suprapubic region;
- frequent need to urinate;
- painful sensations when urinating;
- pain with ejaculation;
- faulty erection or lack of it.
Chronic prostatitis is often predisposed to neurasthenia caused by the above disorders.
Pain in prostatitis, as a rule, is irradiated, that is, radiating to the sacrum, perineum or scrotum. From the prostate, there are nerve endings for all the organs of the small pelvis, so the pain is usually caused in the lower back. Its intensity is different - from subtle to pronounced, which even disrupts sleep. The pain may intensify, weaken with sexual abstinence or, conversely, occur with excessive sexual activity or ejaculation. It should be noted that pain in the sacrum does not always indicate prostatitis - it can also indicate osteochondrosis.
As prostatitis manifests itself in men in a chronic way, here the situation is completely different. Its course is undulating, periodic exacerbations are replaced by more or less prolonged remissions, during which the disease does not manifest itself in any way. In this case, men rarely go to the doctor, preferring to sit at home. However, this is not a way out of the situation, since prostatitis in men, its exacerbation, will progress over time. And, spreading through the genitourinary system, it will lead to cystitis and pyelonephritis.
Prostatitis in men: consequences

As a rule, patients with acute prostatitis seek medical help in a timely manner. But if you don't see a urologist in time, there is a high likelihood of focal purulent inflammation - an abscess of the prostate. In that case, the body temperature can rise to 39-40 ° C, it becomes agitated (the drop in body temperature exceeds 1 ° C) and the intense fever is periodically replaced by chills. The pain in the perineum is so pronounced that urination and defecation become extremely impossible. Gradually, the prostate swells and, as a result, urinary retention occurs. Fortunately for men themselves, they seldom reach such a state.
Vesiculitis is one of the most common complications of prostatitis, when the seminal vesicles become inflamed. And also epididymo-orchitis, characterized by inflammation of the testicles and their appendages. The treatment of chronic prostatitis in men caused by these diseases will be extremely difficult and time-consuming.
Both diseases can lead to infertility. Everything that is described is more related to chronic prostatitis, which has a specific etiology and has developed as a result of sexually transmitted diseases. How to treat prostatitis in men and any form of drug treatment is prescribed by a urologist.
Treatment of prostatitis in men
The treatment of prostatitis in men depends on the form of the disease and its appearance. In the treatment of acute prostatitis, antibiotics are used, which penetrate well into the prostate tissue. The prescribing physician must take into account all the individual characteristics of the disease, the state of the body's immune system and the presence of infectious agents. If the course of the disease is not complicated by anything, patients with acute prostatitis are treated only on an outpatient basis. Only patients with signs of severe and severe intoxication are subject to hospitalization. These physiotherapeutic methods are widely used: induction therapy with magnetic laser, reflexology, ultrasound, treatment of prostatitis with leeches. A good effect can be achieved using herbal preparations (phytotherapics), enzymes, cyto-mediators, immunomodulators. Surgery for prostatitis is indicated in the following cases:
- a prostate abscess (transurethral or transrectal drainage of the abscess);
- acute urinary retention (puncture epicystostomy).
The treatment of chronic prostatitis in men is done on an outpatient basis, but for a longer period. In addition to the use of antibiotics, suppositories and thermal treatments, prostate massage and reflexology are performed. In addition, it is recommended to patients with prostatitis an active lifestyle and the exclusion of alcoholic drinks and spicy foods from use.
Prevention of prostatitis in men
The timely treatment of prostatitis in men, as well as its prevention, contributes to a rapid recovery. As a preventive measure to prevent the development of chronic prostatitis, it is recommended:
- regular sex life;
- properly selected diet (varied and nutritious foods, except spicy and irritating foods);
- no alcohol abuse;
- moderate physical activity aimed at improving blood circulation in the organs of the genitourinary system and strengthening the muscles; Kegel exercises (tension of the perineum muscles with retraction of the anus);
- adequate and timely treatment of infectious diseases of other organs;
- prevention of stagnation in the small pelvis using physiotherapy methods.
To exclude disease recurrence - secondary prevention of prostatitis, which includes primary prevention and:
- regular preventive exams with a urologist;
- undergo preventive courses of treatment with fortifying methods, multivitamins;
- physiotherapy methods (especially in the spring and autumn periods).